Christmas 21st and 22nd December 2019
Saturday 21st December in Piazza Buonamici and Via della Vittoria “Courtesies for guests”: the Christmas center table
– Competition for an original table center idea. 6.30 pm – Awarding of the
winner Center table.
Sunday 22nd in via Dante Alighieri – from the morning exposure of the centerpieces in
competition. Che pacchi! (What packages!) Ideas for Christmas gifts by Dicomano merchants.
In Piazza Buonamici – via Dante Alighieri 15-18 hours “E’ arrivato il Ludobus scombussolo!” (The Ludobus scombussolo has arrived!) Games of skills for all; in Piazza della Reppublica Art & Sweet – market of intelligence and sweetness.
Caldarroste (Roasted chestnuts) and Vin Brulè (mulled wine) by the Dicomano Carnival Committee
For info
Saturday 21st December from 9am in Piazza Giotto Christmas Market; 3pm in Piazza della Vittoria
Market of the association “Indaco”; 9.15 pm Giotto Theater Feast of the Wishes, with Gaetano Gennai e
Fabrizio Fiaschi.
Sunday 22nd December – from 9.00 am in Piazza Giotto Christmas Market; give her
15.00 Show for children, Christmas creation workshop; at 9pm concert in the Church Pieve di San Giovanni Battista “Vegliare cantando ” info
The property is located a few kilometers from Mugello, our bedrooms with private bathroom are also rented for one night, for info and reservation contact us at +393388675063 or by clicking on the link